There and Back Again Book in Verse

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 · three,059 ratings  · 218 reviews
Start your review of In that location And Dorsum Again: An Role player'due south Tale. A Behind The Scenes Look At The Lord Of The Rings
Historical Fiction
I was less than half way through In that location and Dorsum Over again: An Actor's Tale when I decided the book was a wall-banger. There are a hundred means to phrase why I felt this way, but I discover Sean Astin said information technology best towards the lesser of page 180. "I take this little self-pity machinery I can click into, I don't know why or how it developed, except that maybe sometime in my life I used it once or twice and it was constructive, so I kept it in my repertoire..."

I tin can't say that I similar or dislike Sean Astin. I'

I was less than half fashion through There and Back Again: An Actor'south Tale when I decided the book was a wall-banger. There are a hundred means to phrase why I felt this way, but I observe Sean Astin said it all-time towards the bottom of page 180. "I accept this petty self-pity machinery I can click into, I don't know why or how it developed, except that mayhap onetime in my life I used it once or twice and it was effective, then I kept information technology in my repertoire..."

I tin't say that I like or dislike Sean Astin. I've never met him, but I tin can say his volume doesn't portray him in a positive light. He comes off equally whiny and overly critical of fourscore% of the people he has worked with. He takes pride in only a few of his characters (something I establish offensive equally a fan of some of the pictures he considers subpar). The unabridged book presents a human being with an ego the size of the Notre Dame football stadium, an thespian who is never satisfied with the treatment he receives from the industry and a person who takes himself far too seriously. Somehow I doubt this is the delineation the author wanted to share with the world and I'm willing to bet the book will turn the opinions of many of his fans.

Lots of reviewers state they would recommend this book to fans Lord of the Rings, just I'd personally be hesitant to do even that. As a fan, I tin can honestly say null Astin noted nigh the film was new to me. Every chestnut can be institute in the extras on the extended edition DVDs so Astin'due south biography offered picayune if any insight to Jackson's epic.

Overall, the volume left a bad sense of taste in my mouth. Not something that will remain in my library and not a championship I'd propose to other readers.

So far so good. He's a little rambling, a little whiny, only it's still a volume I'll cease.


Update 7/27/10

Oh Sean. Really? You couldn't become an editor? None of your friends would sit you downward and say "If you publish this hot mess, you're going to make everyone yous've always worked with, besides as yourself, look bad." ??

As other reviewers have noted, the author spends much of his time snarking and whinging, and the rest of his time backpedaling and cocky-depreciating. "Oh woe is me, I am n

Then far then good. He'southward a little rambling, a little whiny, merely information technology's nevertheless a book I'll stop.


Update 7/27/10

Oh Sean. Really? You couldn't get an editor? None of your friends would sit down you down and say "If you publish this hot mess, you're going to make everyone you've ever worked with, every bit well equally yourself, look bad." ??

As other reviewers accept noted, the author spends much of his fourth dimension snarking and whinging, and the rest of his time backpedaling and self-depreciating. "Oh woe is me, I am non the star. Only there are and then many more than talented actors in the cast, including Ian McKellan (who I thought was common cold and who stole my makeup artist. waah) and Viggo Mortenson (who wouldn't talk politics with me- the bastard!) and Jonathan Rhys-Davies (who got tired of my constant Indiana Jones imitations- what cheek!) that I know even though I should have gotten the Oscar, I am safe in the knowledge that my creative soul has non been tainted. Except past Encino Man, which was such a suckwad movie that I dare not discuss it past these 34 pages."

I like Sean Astin. I liked the book, too. But he Really needed someone to point some things out to him beforehand.

Sean Astin needs to dump that rather extensive bit off his shoulder earlier it drowns him in the puddle of his own shallowness.
Sarah Jacquie
Okay, I love Tolkien and the LOTR movies, merely I probably never would take read this if it weren't for the reviews I saw beforehand. Yes, I read this because I knew it was bad and had to see for myself.

It was pretty bad, I admit. So bad, I would stop my mum or beau and read out loud a passage and nosotros'd express mirth. Astin is very egocentric, notwithstanding self deprecating at the same time - a very bizarre, confusing, and unappealing mix.

I think this picture pretty much sums up how Sean Astin seems himself an

Okay, I beloved Tolkien and the LOTR movies, but I probably never would take read this if it weren't for the reviews I saw beforehand. Yes, I read this because I knew it was bad and had to meet for myself.

It was pretty bad, I admit. So bad, I would stop my mum or boyfriend and read out loud a passage and we'd laugh. Astin is very egoistic, however self deprecating at the same time - a very bizarre, confusing, and unappealing mix.

I think this picture pretty much sums upward how Sean Astin seems himself and how he believes others run across him likewise:

There are many things I could repeat that others have said before me, merely I don't need to - they practice a vivid enough job. This really is a sad volume - an alibi to ride on the glaze tails of a movie franchise and cash in by writing about a spoiled brat player's woes (aka first globe bug champagne and caviar style) which really are stupid.

There is very piffling most the movies that you can't observe in other books, websites, DVD extras, etc.

At that place are iii tidbits that I had to express joy really hard at and I thought summed up Sean Astin and this stupid book, something I haven't seen anyone else signal out yet and so here are my contributions:


ane. Astin hadn't read the books prior to filming (that's fine, a lot of the cast and fans didn't either - nearly notably Elijah Woods) simply when he got the part, he supposedly immediately stopped at a book shop. He applauds himself equally being a graduate in "1 of the hardest fine arts majors" (???) and admits to never, e'er, have hearing of Tolkien. That's okay too.

Then, he selects a book considering he prefers the fine art over another volume. And so starts to wonder if the people on the movie will use the art he decidedly likes better and proceeds to worry about it. You lot know, considering a guy who is a die difficult fan and worked his butt off to be directing a $270,000,000 trilogy of movies is probably not going to be as resourceful or enquiry this overlooked detail of multiple artistic renditions.

Merely information technology gets worse. He continues to read maybe 150 pages of the book, and then (in his own words) "cheats" past watching the animated version of the story (which is outdated for one, and a cartoon). Armed with this knowledge, Sean starts to actually panic and wonder if he should take signed on for that beggarly $250,000 (A fee he is very upset with. Many, including myself, would take done it for free.)

2. Sean's mum, Patty Duke, is the President of the Screen Player'southward Guild. Besides the somewhat cute dreams of his one 24-hour interval following his mum's footsteps, he also wants to be president of the USA (this book would brand cannon fodder for the other side). That'southward fine, except when he realizes that he volition be making a movie in New Zealand for a New Zealand director... the Screen Thespian's Club volition non cover the movie. Duh, right? However, this occurs to him later on on and he starts to feel nervous and wondering if he should have done it for this reason, and if he tin can amend it somehow. WTF.

three. Okay, this i might be me and that's fine. Sean Astin had the gall (whether information technology's true or not) to whine and whine nigh how he had and so many titles under his chugalug and is basically a refined, grade A thespian. That is a affair of opinion. I thought it was offensive when he began to compare himself to Elijah Woods, who he admittedly is envious of. What pissed me off, was he started maxim that Elijah was basically an unknown compared to himself earlier the series. To be honest I watched Lord of the Rings and someone had to tell me "Did y'all know that is the guy from The Goonies?" And certain enough I wasn't sure - and I didn't know his name. I knew who Elijah Wood was and followed his movies (nosotros're nearly the same age) from The Skilful Son when I was a kid to LOTR.


The book follows what pretty much everyone else has said beneath, and a fine drinking game could be created by the following repetitions:

- Then and and so didn't like him. Why didn't they like him?!
- Trash talking anybody and everybody he worked with.
- His integrity.
- His abilities in acting.
- His abilities in directing (?!)
- How he is undervalued.
- How much he relates to united states of america niggling people (aka, he gets bluish collared types and stresses this ad nauseum.)

He says something completely retarded, and then admits it's retarded, as if he has the clarity to say "Yea, I know I was dumb and then...." and then keep to say something more than retarded without realizing that maybe he should have left that bit out.

This book was a express mirth, and I got it for 75 cents. I don't know what he'due south similar equally a person, but this book paints him every bit a jerk.

You know, for an actor who started in childhood with The Goonies, had famous Hollywood parents, and spent two years in New Zealand filming a legendary moving picture trilogy, Sean Astin's memoir is remarkably boring. I think I was really expecting this book to be more anecdotes and less self-flagellation at how selfish and brusk-sighted he has been at various points in his life. The umbilicus gazing gets old. Fast.

This is the volume of someone who feels that he has acted badly and wants very much for people t

You know, for an actor who started in babyhood with The Goonies, had famous Hollywood parents, and spent two years in New Zealand filming a legendary moving picture trilogy, Sean Astin's memoir is remarkably boring. I call back I was really expecting this book to be more anecdotes and less self-flagellation at how selfish and short-sighted he has been at various points in his life. The navel gazing gets one-time. Fast.

This is the book of someone who feels that he has acted badly and wants very much for people to call back well of him at present. Then it's a mix of telling us (without showing the states) how amazingly wonderful a bunch of people he's worked with are and telling united states (once more, without really showing us) that he feels bad that he acted kinda spoiled, but it was just because he wants and so badly to be a Serious Filmmaker. The insecurity kind of drips off the page.

Given that at that place'due south a author credited directly with helping churn out this matter, I shudder to think what Astin would have turned in on his own. (Or perhaps Layden took a dislike to him and hung him out to dry? It's really non the most complimentary of books.)

Most importantly, Sean Astin wants you to know that while he's an actor, what he really wants to do is directly. Sigh.

Oh, I wanted to beloved this book! Sean Astin was my very showtime Hollywood crush when he was in The Goonies. I simply idea he was the most adorable, well rounded, downwards to earth kid. He had a fantastic mom (Patty Duke, who I adore), and I plastered my walls with his posters. And so, this book came out and I was sorely disappointed to read what basically amounted to a spoiled bluster well-nigh his co-stars lack of professionalism, complaints well-nigh not getting treated fairly on set, the list goes on and on. Information technology Oh, I wanted to love this book! Sean Astin was my very first Hollywood crush when he was in The Goonies. I just idea he was the most adorable, well rounded, down to earth kid. He had a fantastic mom (Patty Duke, who I admire), and I plastered my walls with his posters. Then, this book came out and I was sorely disappointed to read what basically amounted to a spoiled rant virtually his co-stars lack of professionalism, complaints about not getting treated adequately on set, the listing goes on and on. Information technology just felt like it was a volume near sour grapes. He made disparaging comments about just about everyone in this book.

Then, he came to Portland for a book signing and I was completly ecstatic considering I was willing to overlook the bad attitude of the book in society to finally meet my very first Hollywood crush. He showed up late, with his family in tow and announced that his publisher had overbooked him and that he only had an hour, so nosotros (the audience) could choose for him to do a reading, or a short Q&A with a signing, only that he didn't have time for both. What?! The audience chose the Q&A and signing, so I did meet him, go a hug (he did smell expert) and my book autographed, but I was severely disappointed in how the culmination of my girlhood crush concluded.

Still, I had to believe that he was better than that, so when it was announced that he was going to be part of an autograph session at the 20th anniversary Goonies result in Astoria, Oregon that I was at, I had high hopes for redemption. Those hopes were dashed, as they held up the autograph line for over an hour waiting for him to arrive and and then when he finally fabricated it into boondocks, he went first to two printing events, and then decided to skip town instead of showing up for the autograph session that had been held up just for him. Those of us in line were told that if nosotros put our names and addresses down in a notebook at the session, nosotros would all receive autographs by mail service from him. That was over v years ago and my mailbox is still empty.

All this is personal stuff is to say that in the end, my commencement reaction to his book turned out to be spot on. He seems to be a spoiled brat with no concern for his fellow castmates, crew or fans. He comes off this style in the volume and backs it up in person. The book is shallow and whiny and the only reason I kept it instead of trading information technology in at the used book store is that it's autographed to me personally, and then they wouldn't take information technology.

By affiliate 3 you really get a sense of who Sean Astin is: a pretentious man-child. The production of ii critically acclaimed actors (mother is Patty Duke, step-male parent is John Astin) he clearly sees himself as an underdog in the Hollywood world. I'll always love 'Lord of the Rings' but lines like 'It was summer, so I could unremarkably be found in our pool pondering business organization and artistic issues.' will be the driving force of finishing this book. Actually, its a wonder he can exist in the pool and ponder at the By chapter iii you lot actually go a sense of who Sean Astin is: a pretentious human being-child. The product of 2 critically acclaimed actors (mother is Patty Knuckles, stride-father is John Astin) he clearly sees himself as an underdog in the Hollywood earth. I'll e'er love 'Lord of the Rings' but lines like 'It was summer, then I could usually exist found in our pool pondering business and creative problems.' will exist the driving force of finishing this book. Really, its a wonder he tin be in the pool and ponder at the same time. Sean, pat yourself on the back for your immense multitasking talent! This volume is entertainment at its finest.


One time the book picked upwardly at the actual filming process of 'The Lord of the Rings' information technology immediately got more interesting. And he immediately became more likable. As a huge fan of Elijah Wood I actually enjoyed reading well-nigh their friendship and how it reflected the relationship of the characters they portrayed. Sadly, good feeling didn't concluding very long. He talks a lot near the other people involved (as expected) and seems very passive aggressive while retelling experiences with them (i.e someone said something brutally honest so he goes on to say that even though his feelings were hurt they're friends then information technology's okay). I retrieve he expected these people to read the volume and didn't want to hurt whatsoever feelings. The point of a memoir is to tell the truth ugly or not, but that'south not the impression I got. The impression I got was in between the lines he's saying 'Honey me!' 'Appreciate all of the hard work I put in for these films!' 'I deserved an Oscar nomination!'

The woe is me act resurfaces quite a bit whether he feels he isn't given enough artistic freedom with the character of Samwise Gamgee or feeling left out of the fun. Frankly, every situation that he wants you to experience distressing for him about is his fault. The book is a big compassion party that you lot don't desire to bring together. And the end when he talks near his (excessive) media blunders while promoting the last film actually hurts to read. The heat rises in your face equally yous realize how unappreciative he is of the gamble he got to exist a part of this amazing franchise (and broadcasts information technology for the world to see). Overall, if yous hate famous, rich, self-entitled people you will love this book. If yous don't want to hear someone whine for 308 pages steer clear.

Unfortunately, this book suffers from the writer'due south apparent needs to 1) come off as modest and self-effacing and 2) not offend or piss off anyone in the moving-picture show manufacture.

I was fascinated to read an insider's story about what information technology had been similar to film my favorite moving picture trilogy of all times - Peter Jackson'southward The Lord of the Rings. And who amend to tell this tale than Samwise Gamgee himself, role player Sean Astin.

Rather than a narrative or collection of anecdotes most what filming such an epic film had b

Unfortunately, this book suffers from the writer'south apparent needs to 1) come off every bit modest and cocky-effacing and 2) not offend or piss off anyone in the pic industry.

I was fascinated to read an insider'due south story nearly what information technology had been like to picture my favorite moving-picture show trilogy of all times - Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings. And who better to tell this tale than Samwise Gamgee himself, actor Sean Astin.

Rather than a narrative or collection of anecdotes about what filming such an epic pic had been similar, Astin meanders all over the place, introducing result and industry people who had little to do with the movies but in some manner affected his life. Too, Astin spends inordinate amount of time confessing how he often felt jealous of other actors and directors or envious of their talents/breaks/successes/whathaveyou every bit some sort of explanation from what I can only imagine had been some douchey behaviour on his office.

Whenever Astin came remotely close to criticizing a fellow actor or director, he was quick to clarify that his get-go impression had been wrong or that he was in some way at fault for his feelings or that, really, despite behaving similar a wiggle, that person really was quite a great guy/daughter. It was as if Astin feared that everyone would read this book and if he pissed off the wrong person, his career might exist in jeopardy.

As well, Astin would stick a toe over the line of boastfulness only to then throw a 180 degree turn and spend paragraphs reiterating how his accomplishments are nothing to be proud of and that others surely would exercise at least as well. Information technology reminded me much of a person who purposely insults himself only so that others will reassure him of his own greatness.

These issues conspired to create non an insider's glimpse into the adventure of making TLotR trilogy but a faintly sycophantic, self-promoting plea for recognition for his role in something great.

I am sorry I read this book.

It left me with an impression of a whiny, disgruntled player with piffling clue every bit to what he wants to practice with his life, merely he wants us all to know how bright, gifted and humble he is.

Stephanie "Jedigal"
I read b/c I am a huge lifetime fan of the LOTR books, and I felt the movies surprisingly did right past JRRT! Also, I had simply read and enjoyed Leonard Nimoy's I AM SPOCK. This was a deal book, and based on the above interests, I thought it would be worth a try. I hoped I would like it.

Well, the stories in this book for the most office were not what I was hoping. Content is much less about the filming procedure and location than it is about Astin'south mental/emotional procedure and insecurities. It's a

I read b/c I am a huge lifetime fan of the LOTR books, and I felt the movies surprisingly did correct by JRRT! Too, I had just read and enjoyed Leonard Nimoy's I AM SPOCK. This was a deal book, and based on the above interests, I idea it would exist worth a try. I hoped I would like information technology.

Well, the stories in this volume for the most part were not what I was hoping. Content is much less about the filming process and location than it is about Astin's mental/emotional process and insecurities. It's a very PERSONAL memoir. You lot DO get some candid glimpses of the tv/picture industry, but on a word count basis I'd say it's 75% Sean Astin'southward neuroses and 25% (or less) interesting facts. His account seems very honest, simply also abrasive. When I am annoyed at my ain internal foibles, I simply share them with a few select people. I certainly would not accept myself and then seriously as to think that hundreds or thousands of people desire to read nigh that.

I acknowledge, I can relate to his crazy thought process, only I think it's crazy to have printed it for the world to see. I can't help simply wonder if that will hurt him in the hereafter, if any folks in the industry take the time to read this.

The just people I would recommend to extreme fans of LOTR FILMS and anyone who needs encouragement in knowing that success is possible fifty-fifty for people who are neurotic and insecure.

...more than
Mar 28, 2009 rated it really liked it  · review of another edition
Recommends it for: people that like one-act.
I absolutely loved this book for all the incorrect reasons. The writing is atrocious and incredibly vain. Very fiddling thought was given to construction or editing. The entire idea of Mr. Astin writing a volume is incorrectly founded on his conventionalities that he is a renaissance man. All that aside, I merely could not put this down.
From the very start Astin makes ridiculous statement after ridiculous statement. On the first folio he asserts that sometimes you have to but practise whatever script you lot go as long every bit there
I absolutely loved this book for all the wrong reasons. The writing is atrocious and incredibly vain. Very picayune thought was given to structure or editing. The entire idea of Mr. Astin writing a book is incorrectly founded on his belief that he is a renaissance man. All that bated, I merely could not put this down.
From the very outset Astin makes ridiculous argument after ridiculous statement. On the starting time page he asserts that sometimes you accept to just do whatsoever script you get as long as in that location isn't a assistant sticking out of your grapheme'south ass, and on the second page he says of filming Lord of the Rings "At times information technology felt like what I take read virtually soldiers fighting in the trenches of World War hyperbole or disrespect intended." I took to reading passages of this volume aloud to anyone near me for laughs, and because I but couldn't believe what I was reading. Whatever publicist encouraged/let Astin cull to write a volume in his mid 30s nigh his handful of roles, regardless of his cult condition, really misadvised him.
It says the book is written "with Joe Layden" but I'thousand guessing this is just an entourage buddy, considering the editing here is nonexistent. The first lxx pages of the book find us jumping dorsum and forth to different topics and different times within a matter of paragraphs. It literally moves from the gear up of Lord of the Rings, to his filming of a movie a few years prior at a ski resort, to traveling in England, to coming together his married woman at age 18 all within a few pages. Information technology takes near 1/3 of the volume before Astin even comes to the role of Sam Wise Gamgee, which is ostensibly what the book is about based on the title and encompass. In one case he gets on that subject the volume thankfully becomes more linear.
The book is mainly only a place for Astin to go back and along between describing his megalomania and total lack of confidence. He thinks he is a true creative person with directing skills such that Peter Jackson should have taken all his ideas into confidence. He complains about his salaries, how he is treated on prepare, and his fellow actors. He fifty-fifty recounts how after the release of "Return of the Rex" he was getting a lot of press as an Oscar hopeful, and all the attention made him so depressed that he spent his Christmas vacation playing video games alone and by and large avoiding his family.
There's some pretty interesting data subconscious away in here almost how the trilogy was actually filmed and the demands of "the player'south lifestyle", but you lot should read it for the awesome hilarity. The movie knowledge is merely an occasional bonus.
It shouldn't get iv stars from me, but it does. I enjoyed myself 4 stars worth.
Nov 09, 2011 rated it did non like it  · review of another edition
Recommends it for: I admittedly would Non recommend this book. I would also avoid this publisher.
Mr Sean Astin comes over as the most self-centred, virtually deluded, almost insecure man I accept never met. "High maintenance" is a term that could have been invented simply for him; a cocky-absorbed creation working in a earth of fantasy. In brief, I entirely agree with every word of Erin's review (and also with Nata'south comment to Erin'south review).

I kickoff read the Lord of the Rings trilogy when I was eleven years old, and have read it three further times since. I went to the cinema to see all iii films wh

Mr Sean Astin comes over every bit the most self-centred, near deluded, most insecure human I have never met. "High maintenance" is a term that could have been invented just for him; a cocky-absorbed creation working in a globe of fantasy. In cursory, I entirely agree with every discussion of Erin's review (and besides with Nata'due south comment to Erin's review).

I first read the Lord of the Rings trilogy when I was eleven years old, and accept read it three further times since. I went to the cinema to see all three films when each was showtime released, and thoroughly enjoyed all of them. I do have the DVDs, though I have not all the same (!) got around to watching them. And then, thinking dorsum x years or and so to the celluloid activity, I hate to disappoint Mr Astin, just have to be brutally honest, that I merely don't call back his screen performances to exist annihilation similar as extraordinarily vivid as he does. Only, to be fair, I am minded that I really ought to find fourth dimension to lookout man those DVDs, and then that I may fairly assess his gifts(?) afresh. I am also frankly curious to see if whatever director has subsequently given him employment. Would any other role player or actress seek to work with him? Personally, I would not.

I persisted, despite bouts of doubts, in reading this book end to end precisely because of the frankly unbelievable existent-life grapheme of the author. The development of his personal internal and unflattering unattractiveness became a compelling and gross fascination unto itself. Was Mr Astin's ghost writer extraordinarily bad at his job, and only able to become away with that because Mr Astin, every bit he admits himself, does not relish reading? Clearly the book's publisher (Virgin) had cynically calculated that critical acclamation was unimportant, because but the very mention of "The Lord of the Rings" would ensure profitable sales earlier the book dived. How sad is that?

For one pound sterling paid on the 2nd-hand market I felt that I received full value; even if the associated intangible value is unlikely to exist that which Mr Astin, his wife, and girl, would wish to be remembered for. The charitable cause which received that pound will no doubt employ information technology wisely. I volition compost the volume.

Meanwhile, I tend my compliments to Mr Peter Jackson and his cadre production team. Their job must have been considerably tougher than I had ever previously imagined.

I didn't stop this and can't remember anything substantial of the parts I did read, just I know that information technology has tainted my perception of this actor and then heavily that I now fast forward the appendices to the movies whenever he talks. I watch those frequently and I accept done so regularly ever since the DVDs were starting time released, merely now I can't help but come across him equally a whiny, egocentric and securely envious picayune man baby. Someone should have told him that this book would not do him whatsoever favours. I didn't stop this and tin can't remember anything substantial of the parts I did read, merely I know that it has tainted my perception of this actor then heavily that I at present fast forward the appendices to the movies whenever he talks. I lookout man those often and I have done so regularly always since the DVDs were first released, simply at present I can't aid but see him every bit a whiny, egocentric and deeply envious fiddling man baby. Someone should have told him that this book would not exercise him any favours. ...more
This book was horrible. According to Sean Astin he is like star expedition, you take an enormous federation of starships yet for some reason there is only ane competent coiffure in the whole armada. Astin walks around equally gods souvenir to acting except other than LOTR he has been doing chip jobs. Hard to claim you are some interim genius when the bandage of iCarly has had more success than you.
I loved the Lord of the Rings movies and thought Astin was well-bandage as Samwise, so I went into this memoir expecting to like it. Alack! Instead Astin comes across as self-pitying, self-aggrandizing, and self-absorbed and there are few tidbits about the LotR movies to make up for it.
I had in one case read an interview with Gwyneth Paltrow where she explained how she places her films into two categories: good films and bad films. She seemed honest, but ungrateful, about her entire career. I remember finding her unattractive and irksome, disappointed someone could lose so much perspective despite all the success and opportunity they had.

And, unfortunately, that is how I view Sean Astin in There and Back Again An Actor's Tale.

Astin's book reveals a number of insecurities, such as non

I had once read an interview with Gwyneth Paltrow where she explained how she places her films into ii categories: good films and bad films. She seemed honest, but ungrateful, about her entire career. I recall finding her unattractive and ho-hum, disappointed someone could lose so much perspective despite all the success and opportunity they had.

And, unfortunately, that is how I view Sean Astin in There and Back Again An Player's Tale.

Astin'southward book reveals a number of insecurities, such as not getting enough screen time in almost any film he is in to his abiding worry over his picture show salary. If there is one specific fact about the Lord of the Rings trilogy that I can take away from this volume, it'due south that the films were a $270 meg dollar franchisee. This book came out in 2004, and then many of the stories he does describe regarding the filming (ex: Andy Serkis ripping Astin's wig off during rehearsal) are things I watched on the behind the scenes DVD or have read elsewhere in interviews, etc. Only reading about how Astin felt nether appreciated in near anything quickly got abrasive. By the time I got to the parts about LotR process, I began reading this book slower cause I just couldn't handle his tone.

Since he was the kid of 2 Hollywood actors, Astin possesses a sense of entitlement. The first third of the book, Astin discusses how his character didn't accept off the way he wanted. How sure actors were more supported past agencies or studios and he was not. Or how certain experiences were picturesque and perfect (ex: filming Rudy - of grade, cause he was the star). Even the LotR experience isn't enough. Astin complains about how he didn't connect with certain actors (the truly recognized ones, like Ian McKellan or Ian Holm) or how he felt the final cut of LotR: Render of the King was didn't "make him feel" (non enough Sam!). Many times, he writes how other people like Elijah Woods or his wife had to terminate his "self-compassion mechanism" by reminding him that LotR was a once in a life time opportunities. I'chiliad sorry, his what?! "Being a selfish jerk" would have been the correct term.

I'm being generous in giving this book two stars - simply hither'south why. Although Astin'due south account seems information technology was written by a teenage boy, at that place is honesty in some of it. If he felt mistreated, he certainly did write information technology. Whether mistreated by other actors or studios or with himself, the book seems to exist similar Astin's personal journal. Astin makes some points about how difficult it was to become started in directing, peculiarly if y'all are not even close to a household name in Hollywood (famous parents can simply practise then much). Same with his honesty with weight issues. If annihilation, these opinions gave more insight into the film industry itself, which was interesting.

I finished the book with an agreement that even though actors may come to know the ins and outs of their characters, that does not mean actors are the characters. Samwise had a quiet forcefulness that grew during moments of turmoils in Tolkien'due south unique masterpiece. Sean Astin but played him - then complained near information technology.

...more than
If I can but give yous i piece of advice in this lifetime, information technology would be this...if you lot decide to undertake this reading adventure, you will want back the time that y'all invested. I started reading this thinking it could exist an interesting behind the scenes affair and ended this book because information technology was me confronting Sean Astin. I was determined to finish this book even if information technology killed me! I consider myself a victor!
Blech. Don't waste material your time. Very disappointing. Blech. Don't waste matter your fourth dimension. Very disappointing. ...more
Graff Fuller
I read this back in the mid-2000's (I believe). It was a wonderful volume. Peter Jackson (and his casting director) actually DID cast the best person to play, Samwise Gamgee.

I've only read this book once, but I may take to become back and read it again (play on the title). It really does deserve a reread.

I accept so many great memories of reading this volume and sharing in the run a risk of an player taking on this role, but feeling unprepared and anxious...that he was worthy of it.

Please read this

I read this back in the mid-2000's (I believe). It was a wonderful book. Peter Jackson (and his casting managing director) really DID cast the best person to play, Samwise Gamgee.

I've simply read this book once, but I may accept to go back and read it once again (play on the title). It really does deserve a reread.

I take so many great memories of reading this book and sharing in the chance of an histrion taking on this part, simply feeling unprepared and anxious...that he was worthy of it.

Delight read this is SO good.

Chelsea Frandsen
Biased disclaimer one: I am a theatrical creative person. An player/director/author who has had to work to achieve all that I have achieved and then far. Working in the phase a screen manufacture is hard--REALLY hard. Nevermind Hollywood or Broadway, "making information technology" anywhere in the film and theatre industry is no easy feat.

Biased disclaimer two: I have met Sean Astin. He is a very humble, downwards-to-globe conscientious "working actor". He is open up and kind to everyone he meets and works with. Sure, he tends to worry a bit

Biased disclaimer 1: I am a theatrical artist. An actor/director/writer who has had to work to achieve all that I have achieved so far. Working in the stage a screen manufacture is hard--REALLY hard. Nevermind Hollywood or Broadway, "making it" anywhere in the picture and theatre industry is no like shooting fish in a barrel feat.

Biased disclaimer two: I accept met Sean Astin. He is a very humble, down-to-earth careful "working actor". He is open and kind to everyone he meets and works with. Sure, he tends to worry a bit likewise much--as be very openly admits in this volume--but to me, that'southward i of this strengths. He is also a family man, and the rare kind of artist that tin balance fame wit existence a "normal person" without coming across as two-faced.

Simply to clear things up, this is not a "behind the scenes wait at LOTR" per se; but it does give insight to what information technology was similar participating in the films--from pre-production to red carpeting of "Return of the Male monarch". The book is non called "behind the scenes of LOTR" it's called "an histrion's tale" which means that Sean Astin gives the states a mini-autobiography of his life before LOTR(similar the fact that he put himself and his married woman through college--ALL of college, BY HIMSELF; and what emerges pre-LOTR stiff is someone who even though he was raised in Hollywood, has figured out how to transition from "child star" to "adult star" without besides much drama.

In one case he gets into the LOTR stuff, information technology gets better. Considering not only do we become insight into shooting the films, we also get a specific actor's honest opinion of specific people, places, and things(ie, grooming, and pre-product bootcamp, plus the tattoos story)--which is very rare in this type of book. Information technology was prissy to get in the head of someone who cared and so much about making this projection--fifty-fifty if he did drive people a little nuts--and also to see that he wasn't the only i.

Aye, people who have read this book don't like information technology, and that's absurd. Equally an artist myself, I appreciated this honest and (in my opinion) very conscientious and humble insight into the difficult work that went into i of the all-time film trilogies of the 20th century.

Give this volume a adventure.

...more than
For fans of The Lord of the Rings series, this sound book is a must. Well written and well read by the author, Sean Astin gives yous a behind-the-scenes look at the filming of the trilogy. Near interesting were his personal views on the getting the office of Samwise Gamgee and what he brought to that office. Besides included are tidbits of what it was like to accept 2 famous actors as parents. What was it similar to spend nearly 2 years on prepare in New Zealand, filming iii movies at once? Sean Astin sp For fans of The Lord of the Rings series, this audio book is a must. Well written and well read past the author, Sean Astin gives yous a behind-the-scenes look at the filming of the trilogy. Most interesting were his personal views on the getting the part of Samwise Gamgee and what he brought to that role. Also included are tidbits of what it was similar to have ii famous actors every bit parents. What was it like to spend nearly two years on ready in New Zealand, filming iii movies at 1 time? Sean Astin spares no details! ...more
Suzie Quint
Can't imagine anyone writing a book that would make themselves look so small-scale, mean and petty. Openly jealous of but virtually everyone, he even calls his mother's volume "cocky-serving." The perfect guest for Maury Pauvich. Can't imagine anyone writing a book that would make themselves await so small-scale, mean and petty. Openly jealous of just about everyone, he even calls his mother's book "self-serving." The perfect guest for Maury Pauvich. ...more
Edit: read twice dorsum to back and beloved it even more!

Sound book.

I utterly adored this book!

Go mind to information technology!

That is all.

I detest that it took me fourteen months to end this book! The fact is my headaches can brand it hard to read actual books, and information technology was no error of the volume that it took so long.

I really enjoyed this i. Astin could be brutally honest, perhaps to a fault, but insightful. I appreciated how he laid it all out on the folio, even if he didn't come up across in a good light. He grew upwardly in Hollywood, and it was refreshing to see how wise he could be with people and past events. We all mess up. Nosotros can

I hate that information technology took me fourteen months to end this book! The fact is my headaches can make information technology hard to read actual books, and it was no fault of the book that it took so long.

I really enjoyed this one. Astin could be brutally honest, perhaps to a mistake, but insightful. I appreciated how he laid it all out on the page, even if he didn't come up across in a good light. He grew up in Hollywood, and it was refreshing to run into how wise he could be with people and past events. We all mess up. We tin can all exist selfish, but he made a bespeak to be respectful and kind when he apologized.

Of course, the central focus of the volume was on Lord of the Rings, but learning about what lead him to the trilogy was just as of import. This book has rekindled my interest in LOTR, with all of the tidbits and stories Astin shared.

I'm a little surprised to see so many negative reviews, simply hey, perchance I am biased considering he autographed my copy! Regardless of how yous feel about him, this book gives you a window into him.

...more than
Make that 3 and one/ii stars. This book tells you all the inside scoop on much of the making of the LOTR movies (although Astin and Elijah Wood were off filming Frodo and Sam'southward parts, so there aren't many stories virtually the other actors and their experiences). Sam Gamgee is my favorite character in the trilogy. Astin spends the offset third of the volume describing his own career pre-Samwise, and information technology'due south interesting reading. The thing that drove me basics about the book was the repeated format of the author Make that iii and one/two stars. This volume tells you all the within scoop on much of the making of the LOTR movies (although Astin and Elijah Wood were off filming Frodo and Sam'southward parts, and so there aren't many stories well-nigh the other actors and their experiences). Sam Gamgee is my favorite graphic symbol in the trilogy. Astin spends the kickoff 3rd of the book describing his ain career pre-Samwise, and it's interesting reading. The matter that drove me nuts about the book was the repeated format of the author detailing his own personal insecurities, feelings of entitlement, and feelings that he wasn't getting the attention or whatever he deserved, followed by an apology for feeling equally he did or saying anything publicly about it, and acknowledging that he was wrong and everything turned out well enough in the end. Past the umpteenth repetition of this blueprint, information technology begins to sound similar someone who offers an apology and so blames the recipient for doing what he did--similar he's making excuses for bad behavior, even though he realizes the behavior was unwarranted, rather than accepting responsibility for his own mistake/personality quirks. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the volume (except when that blueprint got to be besides much). Also, the author sometimes assumes likewise much knowledge on the function of the reader nigh his other work, when the reader is obviously (and perchance only) familiar with his functioning every bit Sam. Astin did a wonderful job of portraying Sam; I can't imagine a better one. And the stories of the LOTR movies are fun. It'southward articulate, however, that Sean Astin is yet on the journey that nosotros got to see Samwise Gamgee consummate, from ordinary person to hero. And that'due south to be expected of a young histrion whose personal journeying is far from consummate--Sam may have been there and come back once again; Sean is still getting there and figuring out how to get back to his personal Hobbiton (not to mention the Grey Havens). ...more
This is basically Sean Astin's autobiography. The first ane/3 talks about his movie career prior to the LOTR movies, focusing mostly on ENCINO MAN forward. The last ii/3 is near the filming of LOTR and the aftermath of their release.

Astin primarily focuses on his emotional and philosphical challenges over the form of the book. He proper noun-drops a lot of actors he worked with, drops and anecdote or two, and and so over-analyzes their relationship.

Most of the book is Astin navel-gazing, really. Information technology g

This is basically Sean Astin'due south autobiography. The start 1/3 talks about his motion-picture show career prior to the LOTR movies, focusing mostly on ENCINO MAN frontward. The final 2/three is about the filming of LOTR and the aftermath of their release.

Astin primarily focuses on his emotional and philosphical challenges over the course of the book. He proper noun-drops a lot of actors he worked with, drops and anecdote or two, so over-analyzes their human relationship.

Most of the volume is Astin navel-gazing, actually. It gets hard to read him talking over and over again near how he wishes he could be closer to this person or that person, how he had his feelings injure past this person, how there was a misunderstanding between them, etc. etc.

There ARE some interesting tidbits, specially about his male parent, John Astin, and some funny moments with several of the actors during the LOTR, simply I just kept wanting Sean to lighten up and ENJOY what he was doing. He'due south SO serious that he comes across as a whiney killjoy at times. Strangely, his autobiography was not self-serving AT ALL. In fact, several of the actors finally do wind upward telling him basically to "lighten upwards," and I couldn't agree more.

A diverting read, only non a book I'll ever revisit.

...more than
I can't express how very much I enjoyed this. I remember being unsure about watching the LOTR films, because I had not read the books; still, Peter Jackson did such an awesome job bringing them to life that it was okay if yous hadn't read the books beforehand.

I've been a fan of Sean Astin for years. I was absolutely fascinated by his tales of the filming of the trilogy, his relationships with his fellow actors, the people he met, his feelings, hopes, everything he experienced. It's always fun t

I can't express how very much I enjoyed this. I remember being unsure well-nigh watching the LOTR films, because I had not read the books; however, Peter Jackson did such an crawly job bringing them to life that it was okay if you hadn't read the books beforehand.

I've been a fan of Sean Astin for years. I was admittedly fascinated by his tales of the filming of the trilogy, his relationships with his fellow actors, the people he met, his feelings, hopes, everything he experienced. It's always fun to hear most the behind-the-scenes stuff that only those that were at that place are privy to. I was captivated; I laughed, and yes, even shed a tear a time or two.

He has brought back the wonder of the films for me, and now I volition be watching the entire trilogy over again to relive it, with a new appreciation for the work that went into information technology, and for his performance as Samwise Gamgee.

I also have the book, and will eventually read that, since this audiobook was in abridged grade. Who knows what I missed?!!????

...more than
Jun 24, 2007 rated it liked it
This was a very interesting peek into the journeying of making the Lord of the Rings. I kind of wanted more than juicy stuff on the actors, and not then much Sean'southward own personal acting career, merely hey - it's his book. This was a very interesting peek into the journey of making the Lord of the Rings. I kind of wanted more juicy stuff on the actors, and non and so much Sean's ain personal interim career, but hey - it'south his volume. ...more
I don't like Sean Astin anymore. I always thought of him as like to the characters he plays...not and then. He is in fact a fame-hungry, whiny, conceited person. I thought this book would show some cool behind-the-scenes looks into the movies he's been in, but he spent most of the time complaining about the credit he wasn't getting. This was an center-opener for me. I don't like Sean Astin anymore. I always thought of him as similar to the characters he plays...not so. He is in fact a fame-hungry, whiny, conceited person. I idea this book would bear witness some cool behind-the-scenes looks into the movies he's been in, only he spent virtually of the fourth dimension complaining about the credit he wasn't getting. This was an heart-opener for me. ...more than
Erik Nelson
The title is actually disingenuous, as I was expecting a showtime-paw recount of making The Lord of the Rings movies. Instead information technology'due south a self-pity fest by Astin, featuring whining nearly his mediocre career and slagging others that he's worked with.

I never idea I'd choice 'whiny' as the single give-and-take to depict a book, merely here I am.

The title is really disingenuous, as I was expecting a first-hand recount of making The Lord of the Rings movies. Instead it's a self-compassion fest by Astin, featuring whining about his mediocre career and slagging others that he's worked with.

I never idea I'd pick 'whiny' as the single discussion to describe a book, but here I am.

Sean Astin (built-in Sean Patrick Knuckles) is an American film player, director, and producer better known for his picture show roles as Mikey Walsh in The Goonies, the championship character of Rudy, and Samwise Gamgee in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

In 2004, Astin released In that location and Back Over again, a memoir (co-written with Joe Layden) of his film career with accent on his experiences with the Lord of the Rings trilog

Sean Astin (born Sean Patrick Knuckles) is an American film actor, manager, and producer better known for his flick roles as Mikey Walsh in The Goonies, the title character of Rudy, and Samwise Gamgee in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

In 2004, Astin released There and Back Again, a memoir (co-written with Joe Layden) of his pic career with emphasis on his experiences with the Lord of the Rings trilogy. The title is derived from the subtitle of The Hobbit, by Lord of the Rings author J.R.R. Tolkien.


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